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Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Author Profile: Haruki Murakami
Biographical Overview
Breaking Down the Title
Hard-Boiled (2:50)
Wonderland (1:45)
End of the World (0:55)
Character Development in the Tokyo Setting
Character Development
Narrator, the Calcutec
The Chubby Girl/Young Woman, the Granddaughter
The Professor, the Scientist, Grandfather
Librarian in Tokyo
Big Boy
Character Development in the Town Setting
Narrator, the Dreamreader
The Gatekeeper
The Librarian in the Town
The Colonel
The Shadow
The Caretaker
The Town
Major Plot Points & Memorable Quotes and Passages
Ch. 1: Elevator, Silence, Overweight
Ch. 2: Golden Beasts
Ch. 3: Rain Gear, INKlings, Laundry
Ch. 4: The Library
Ch. 5: Tabulations, Evolution, Sex Drive
Ch. 6: Shadow
Ch. 7: Skull, Laruen Bacall, Library
Ch. 8: The Colonel
Ch. 9: Appetite, Disappointment, Leningrad
Ch. 10: The Wall
Ch. 11: Dressing, Watermelon, Chaos
Ch. 12: A Map of the End of the World
Ch. 13: Frankfurt, Door, Independent Operants
Ch. 14: Woods
Ch. 15: Whiskey, Torture, Turgenev
Ch. 16: The Coming of Winter
Ch. 17: End of the World, Charlie Parker, Time Bomb
Ch. 18: Dreamreading
Ch. 19: Hamburgers, Skyline, Deadline
Ch. 20: The Death of the Beasts
Ch. 21: Bracelets, Ben Johnson, Devil
Ch. 22: Gray Smoke
Ch. 23: Holes, Leeches, Tower
Ch. 24: Shadow Ground
Ch. 25: Meal, Elephant Factory, Trap
Ch. 26: Power Station
Ch. 27: Encyclopedia Wand, Immortality, Paperclips
Ch. 28: Musical Instruments
Ch. 29: Lake, Masatomi Kondo, Panty Hose
Ch. 30: Hole
Ch. 31: Fares, Police, Detergent
Ch. 32: Shadow in the Throes of Death
Ch. 33: Rainy-Day Laundry, Car Rental, Bob Dylan
Ch. 34: Skulls
Ch. 35: Nail Clippers, Butters Sauce, Iron Vase
Ch. 36: Accordion
Ch. 37: Lights, Introspection, Cleanliness
Ch. 38: Escape
Ch. 39: Popcorn, Lord Jim, Extinction
Ch. 40: Birds
Literary Devices
In Media Res
Chekhov's Gun
Thematic Discussion Questions
Chapters 1-9
Chapters 10-20
Chapters 21-30
Chapters 31-40
The Chubby Girl/Young Woman, the Granddaughter
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