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Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World & Literary Theory
Course Overview
Education is About Transformation (3:35)
Let Murakami Interpret Murakami (3:47)
Appreciate the Power of Story (2:07)
Search for "the Dignity of the Individual Soul" (3:01)
Ask, "What Does the Text Say?" (2:33)
Remember: I Am a Fan Not a Critic (1:14)
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (1:44)
A Haruki Murakami Reading Guide
Introduction Workbook
Further Reading & Resources
Beginning the Novel - What is Literary & Critical Theory?
Hard-Boiled (2:49)
Wonderland (1:44)
The End of the World (0:54)
Murakami Explains the Title (1:49)
Construct a Willing Suspension of Disbelief (6:14)
What is Literary Criticism & Critical Theory? (5:04)
Week 2 Workbook
Discussion & Analysis - Chapters 1-4
Further Reading & Resources
Down the Rabbit Hole - A Matrix for Understanding the Novel
Foreshadowing (1:26)
Deep Rivers Run Quiet (2:24)
Niagara Falls & Houdini (1:48)
Danny Boy (1:24)
Split Watermelon (1:27)
Tom Swift (2:00)
Melon Patch (2:05)
Marcel Proust (2:41)
Escher Print (1:19)
Sensory Inventory (1:52)
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Week 3 Workbook
Discussion & Analysis - Chapters 5-8
Further Reading & Resources
Breaking Down Binaries, Systems, & Language - Ferdinand de Saussure's Course on General Linguistics
Introduction to Linguistics - Saussure's Semiotics (14:34)
The Linguistic Turn (14:34)
Murakami's Talent, Focus, & Endurance
Week 4 Workbook
Discussion & Analysis - 9-12
Further Reading & Resources
Unpacking the Unconscious - Signmund Freud's The Unconscious
Introduction to Unpacking the Unconscious (4:08)
Coleridge's Primary Imagination, Secondary Imagination, and Fancy (5:33)
Freud's Repression, Superego, Ego, and Id (4:14)
The Wall (4:08)
Psychoanalysis and Literature (4:08)
Contemporary Definitions
Teach Me Tonight
Week 5 Workbook
Discussion & Analysis - Chapters 13-16
Further Reading & Resources
Identity & the Individual - Jacques Lacan's The Mirror Stage
Breaking Down Identity (3:26)
Lacan: Imaginary, Symbolic, Real (11:34)
Lacanian Psychoanalysis & Literature (2:07)
Lacan, Murakami, & the Unconscious (4:44)
William Wordsworth - Immortality
Thoughts on Psychoanalysis
Week 6 Workbook
Discussion & Analysis -Chapters 17-20
Further Reading & Resources
Existential Psychiatry - R.D. Laing's The Divided Self & the Split Mind
The Divided Self & the Split Mind (25:21)
Week 7 Workbook
Discussing Theological Issues
Discussion & Analysis - Chapters 21-25
Further Reading & Resources
Hyperreality - Jean Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulacrum
Beginning Hyperreality (14:55)
Hyperreality Continued (7:50)
Analyzing the Hyperreal
Week 8 Workbook
Discussion & Analysis - Chapters 26-28
Further Reading & Resources
Shedding the Shadow - Jung's Shadow Archetype
Shedding the Shadow (23:14)
Psychoanalytic Literary Analysis
I Go to Pieces
Week 9 Workbook
Discussion & Analysis - Chapters 29-32
Further Reading & Resources
Deconstructing Death - Sigmund Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle
Introduction (2:13)
Eros & Thanatos (2:11)
It's Not Enough to Die - You Must Learn to Disappear (3:49)
Existential Carosel (8:15)
Mujo (4:27)
Week 10 Workbook
Discussion & Analysis - Chapters 33-36
Further Reading & Resources
Lost in Translation - The Limitations of English & Effects on Interpretation
Introduction (2:11)
Murakami on Translation (7:39)
The Power of Pronouns (6:52)
Kokoro (8:43)
Week 11 Workbook
Describing the Novel
Lost in Translation Bonus
Discussion & Analysis - Chapters 37-40
Further Reading & Resources
Literary Afterlife - Analyzing the Novel's Influence on Culture
Literary Afterlife
Murakami Interviews & Overviews
Song List
Movie List
Book List
Murakami Bingo
Discussion & Analysis - Literary Afterlife
A Haruki Murakami Reading Guide
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